Kármen Kollár

Transform your menstrual health

Learn the lifelong art of fertility awareness cycle tracking in 4 months.Once you learn to track your menstrual cycle with fertility awareness you can use it to conceive, prevent pregnancy naturally and effectively or identify and heal the root causes of your menstrual health issues.

This Coaching Package is Perfect for You If You...

  • Want to Use a Natural Birth Control Method Instead of Hormonal Contraceptives: You want to use the knowledge of your own body instead of pharmaceutical solutions as a natural, highly effective (99.4%) birth control method.

  • Are Trying to Conceive: You want to optimize your chances of conceiving naturally, easily, and quickly.

  • Are Worried Whether Your Cycles Are Normal: You want to know why your cycles are irregular, exactly when you ovulate, identify your fertile window, and understand if your cycles are normal and how to improve them naturally.

  • Want Health Insights: You are interested in discovering what your cycle charts can reveal about your health and fertility, including learning strategies to reverse PCOS, perimenopause symptoms, PMS, period pain, thyroid disorders, fibroids, hormonal headaches, cervical dysplasia, and more. This includes identifying the ideal diet and lifestyle choices for your situation.

  • Cycle Syncing: You wish to sync your life with your menstrual cycle phases, enhancing your energy, productivity, focus, libido, creativity, exercise routines and rest.

  • Empowerment and Confidence: Become the expert of your own body and gain confidence when talking to healthcare providers.

“How does fertility awareness cycle tracking work?”

These three body signs:


… tell about the female hormone levels in your body. By tracking them daily you can identify when you are fertile and when you are not on any given day and know exactly what in your body needs healing.

“So I will just buy a thermometer, observe my cervical fluid and write it down daily?”

Not quite like that. Sure, you can watch a couple of YouTube videos about how to drive a car and certainly it’s enough to start the vehicle and move it, but you will probably crash five times and get fined by the police before you actually learn to drive safely, if ever.It’s the same thing with fertility awareness cycle tracking. You hire a driving instructor to make sure that you don’t die or kill anyone else in the process of learning to control the car and navigating in the traffic. In the same way you hire a fertility awareness instructor to make sure that you chart correctly, don’t misinterpret your signs and end up with unintended pregnancy, mistimed intercourse when trying to conceive or taking the wrong measures to heal your body. Fertility awareness cycle tracking has a 99.4% effectiveness rate in preventing pregnancy only if you learn it from a certified instructor. You need to be able to correctly identify the patterns in these three body signs if you want to achieve your goals. It is not like app algorithms and methods based on calendar calculations which are trying to guess your current fertility status based on past fertility data. It is pure biology which you can trust.

“So what does a fertility awareness instructor do?”

Coaching happens through Zoom video calls over the course of three menstrual cycles or approximately four months. It includes email support for all your questions + three months free access to the Read Your Body cycle charting app.

“How much does it cost?”

My coaching package is priced at 1,480 euros, or you can opt for a split payment of six monthly installments of 270 euros each (totaling 1,620 euros).Just like driving a car is an invaluable skill, so is fertility awareness cycle tracking. Once you learn it, you will know it for the rest of your life and can even teach it to the next generation. It’s hard to quantify the lifetime value of it, but if we were to assign a monetary value, it would be hundreds of thousands of euros.

Have you thought about these potential savings you could make during your reproductive life?

  • Hormonal contraceptives: ~ €8,100

  • Saving on doctoral visits for things you can identify and treat yourself (excluding regular health check-ups): ~ €6,000

  • Infertility treatments (assuming an average of 3 IVF cycles and associated costs): ~ € 30,000 - 40,000

  • Savings on pain medications: ~ €3000

  • Treatment of cervical dysplasia and other health conditions identified too late: ~ €15,000 - 40,000

  • Lost earning potential due to female health issues (assuming an average of 10 days lost per year and average daily wage of €100): ~ €40,000

Luckily, this lifelong skill can be learned with the help of a fertility awareness instructor for just a fraction of its value.

I understand that you may have many questions and may need help determining if this is a timely and appropriate investment for you. That’s why I offer a free consultation call before starting the coaching.

To book your free consultation call, click the button below.

“What happens during the call?”

During the 45-minute video call, we will:

  • Get to know your health situation to ensure I am the right person to help you at this time in your life.

  • Make sure I have clearly explained how the coaching works and answer any questions you might have.

  • Go through the payment options and address any questions regarding them.

This call is free of charge and comes with no commitment. Consider it a first coffee date to see if we are meant to work together.

'Kármen’s coaching was a revelation.'

‘Kármen’s coaching was a revelation, enhancing my understanding of hormonal health and the female cycle. It dispelled my fears about becoming pregnant without hormonal contraception and reinforced my decision to stop using it. I now understand how much better natural birth control is for my health and well-being, and all my prejudices against it have disappeared. I'm glad I dared to embark on this journey. Even my limited English skills were not a problem; working with Kármen was effortlessly successful.’


identify the best days to achieve pregnancy

‘I became aware of what is happening in my body, where I am in my menstrual cycle, and when my most fertile days are. Additionally, I now understand how to be more in harmony with myself, my body, and my mood. I have learned to read the signs my body gives me instead of oppressing or desperately hiding them.’


'by far the most useful thing I have done for my health in a long time.'

‘Taking this course with Kármen is by far the most useful thing I have done for my health in a long time. It is very empowering, I dare say necessary, for every person with ovaries to have the knowledge and tools contained in this coaching package. Kármen does a great job at making it engaging, at tailoring the content to what I needed, and at creating a non-awkward space to talk about things society has somehow tabooed for us.’
